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    What we'll do...

    Together, we’ll create a safe space and explore the tools that will help you navigate whatever life throws your way. My therapeutic approach is tailored to your specific needs, preferences, and personal experiences so that we can build on your strengths and help you create a life of peace, meaning, and purpose.

    Every outcome is different, however,  some of the goals we’ll work toward include:

    Calming the mind and quieting anxious thoughts

    Because your life is meant to be full of joy, passion, and purpose, not worry, fear, and angst.

    Building resilience and confidence in yourself

    You have amazing things to offer the world – let’s explore what they are!

    Finding meaning and fulfillment no matter what’s going on in your life

    No more getting thrown by life’s ups and downs — you  can learn to keep your boat steady through any storm.

    Are you ready to Grow?

    Your Next Life Stage Awaits 

    Let’s face it, change can be scary.

    And not just changes like divorce, death, or losing a job. Even “good” changes like graduating, getting married, being promoted, having a new baby or going after a cherished goal can uproot our lives and cause us anxiety.

    But every transition, whether it’s a welcome change or an unexpected one, is an invitation. To grow. To find purpose. To fully inhabit our authentic selves.

    If you’re in the midst of change, transition and feeling anxious, stuck, or lost, you don’t have to go it alone. 

    My Values & My Commitment to You

    As a therapist, I’m here to guide, support, and empower you on your journey of self-discovery. Here are some of the values that inform my practice and what you can expect from working with me.


    What we share is private, sacred, and kept just between us.


    No cookie-cutter approaches here. No two clients are the same so I tailor my work to fit your unique needs and goals.


    Life can be cruel, kind, and everything in between. As a therapist (and fellow human being), I totally get it! I’m here to provide a sympathetic ear for anything and everything that is on your mind.


    I create a safe space for you to share whatever is going on in your life. No blame, no shame, no judgment, and no criticism.

    Reach out to me today!

    Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
    I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

    By submitting this form via this web portal, you acknowledge and accept the risks of communicating your health information via this unencrypted email and electronic messaging and wish to continue despite those risks. By clicking "Yes, I want to submit this form" you agree to hold Brighter Vision harmless for unauthorized use, disclosure, or access of your protected health information sent via this electronic means.